what’s better than clay & champagne?

The clay-making workshops are a super cool, casual intro to clay, a chance to drink and have a laugh while getting your hands dirty. In this two-and-a-half-hour class, you’ll create your very own hand-built clay pieces under the guidance of our helpful and friendly instructor.  You’ll learn the basics of clay making, including pinch pot, coil and slab techniques. These workshops are great for absolute beginners but if you have some experience, bring those skills and ideas and go for your life.

Enjoy a complimentary glass of bubbles on arrival. BYO bevvies. Coffee or champagne, beer or softies, whatever you’d like. Feel like a champagne at 10am? There is no judgement here.

There a 3 Packages available to choose between to suit your needs and budget. Grab some friends and come and join the Club!

Basic Package $79 Air-Dry Clay

This option lets you take your clay home straight away and will require just a few days of air drying for it to be ready for use. Unlike traditional clays, it doesn’t need to be fired to harden and your clay can be decorated at your leisure with acrylic paints or left in its organic form. Some examples used for this clay include, but not limited to, an incense holder, ring display, candle holders, book ends and decorative plates.

NB Air-dry clay is not food safe or water-resistant.

What’s included; all materials and a glass of champagne. Great for those on a budget or want there pieces straight away!

Classic Package $119 Glaze ware

This option means that your pieces will be functional and waterproof.
Glaze ware is not only long-lasting and useful, but also super sexy. Your pieces will take 1 or 2 weeks to dry. After that they’ll be fired once, glazed, then fired again. The whole process takes 4 to 6 weeks and could be longer depending on humidity and current workload. We’ll send you a message once they’re ready for picking up. Some examples include a dinner set, planters, vases (the options are endless).

What’s included; all materials and a glass of champagne, a small seasonal platter and 2 of your pieces fired and glazed. This package is great value for money!

Boujee package

Boujee package

Boujee Package $159

Our Boujee Package is the ultimate workshop! Not only does this package have all of the inclusions from the other workshops, it also includes BOTTOMLESS wine or champagne, a cheese AND seasonal platter and ALL of your pieces fired and glazed!

This Package is for those who WANT IT ALL, because let’s face it, who doesn’t want a bit of BOUJEE in their life!!

Book your workshop.


  • Hand building isn’t too messy, but wear clothes you don’t mind getting a little dirty.

    Aprons are provided!

  • Absolutely! Sometimes the teacher originally booked for your workshop may become unavailable. We reserve the right to make this change when necessary.

  • All materials are included in your workshop including your take-home clay piece.

  • Yes! No experience is required.

  • Each session runs for approximately two and a half to possibly three hours.

  • Nibbles are provided but feel free to BYO food.